  • 博士生导师 硕士生导师
  • 职 称 : 副教授
  • 学 科 :
  • 单 位 : 信息科学与工程学院(软件学院)
学位 : 博士
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
职务 : 正科级秘书
出生年月 : 1989-10
入职时间 : 2018-03-26
毕业院校 : 燕山大学
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目

张炳,湖北黄冈人,副教授,博士生导师,主要方向为数据挖掘、软件安全,已在Nat. Commun,  IEEE TSE,IEEE  TRel,ACM COMPUT SURVEY, JNCA, STOTEN, Computers&Security, IST,  IET software, DCN, IJSEKE等国际期刊发表论文40余篇,高被引论文1篇,并获得2018年度国家自然青年基金项目资助, 担任IEEE transaction on Realibility, IJSEKE, 通信学报,计算机学报,网络与信息安全学报等期刊审稿人。曾受国家留学基金委/挪威政府互换奖学金项目 (全国共10个名额)资助,于挪威科技大学联合培养一年; 受课题组基金项目支持,赴英国赫尔大学进行医疗数据挖掘分析的课题研究。获2021年河北省科技进步二等奖,获得2021年ACM中国新星奖 (秦皇岛分会), 2018年ACM中国优秀博士论文奖 (秦皇岛分会),获燕山大学优秀博士论文奖。所在团队多达70余人,主要从事数据库、数据挖掘、大数据分析理论与方法、软件安全等方面的研究。


 ·2015.9至2018.1, 燕山大学, 信息科学与工程学院, 计算机科学与技术, 博士;

  ·2012.9-2015.6, 燕山大学, 信息科学与工程学院, 软件工程, (硕博连读)硕士;

  ·2008.9-2012.6, 三峡大学, 计算机与信息学院, 计算机科学与技术, 学士.


     ·2020.12-现在,燕山大学, 信息科学与工程学院,软件工程系,副教授;

     ·2018.3-2020.11,燕山大学, 信息科学与工程学院,软件工程系,讲师;

     ·2018.3-2020.5,燕山大学, 信息科学与工程学院,博士后,合作导师:任家东;




     § JavaWeb 开发技术

     § 软件质量保证与测试

     § JavaWeb开发课程设计


§ 软件行为与结构安全特性分析及应用, 河北省人民政府, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2021. (任家东、张炳、王倩、黄国言、何海涛、何洪豆、刘新倩)

§ 外化教学梯度、内化计算思维的程序构造和算法设计能力培养模式创新与实践,燕山大学教育教学成果一等奖,2021. (窦 燕、王常武、王林、穆运峰、郭栋梁、李贤善、尤殿龙、张炳)

§ 软件执行过程中层次化重要实体挖掘方法及关键技术研究, ACM中国理事会, ACM中国优秀 博士论文奖(秦皇岛分会), 2018

§ ACM中国理事会, ACM中国 新星奖 (秦皇岛分会), 2021



· Zhang Bing,Zhi Xu et al. Enhancing Java Web Application Security: Injection Vulnerability Detection via Interprocedural Analysis and Deep Learning, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2025, Accept, doi: 10.1109/TR.2024.3521381.


· Zhang, Y., Cai, Y., Zhang, B. et al. Spatially structured exchange of metabolites enhances bacterial survival and resilience in biofilms. Nature Communications, 15, 7575 (2024). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-51940-3. (中科院1区TOP, SCI)

· Bing Zhang, Rong Ren, Jia Liu, Mingcai Jiang, Jiadong Ren, Jingyue Li. SQLPsdem: A Proxy-based Mechanism towards Detecting, Locating and Preventing Second-Order SQL Injections, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1807-1826,2024, DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2024.3400404. (CCF A, 中科院1区 TOP, SCI)

· Bing Zhang, Xuyang Zhao, Jiangtian Nie, Jianhang Tang, Yuling Chen, Yang Zhang, and Dusit Niyato. 2024. Epidemic Model-based Network Influential Node Ranking Methods: A Ranking Rationality Perspective. ACM Computing Surveys 56, 8, Article 203 (August 2024). https://doi.org/10.1145/3653296  (中科院1区TOP, SCI)

·   Q. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Ren and B. Zhang, "Multi-Stage Network Attack Detection Algorithm Based on Gaussian Mixture Hidden Markov Model and Transfer Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2024.3395355. (CCF B, 中科院2区, SCI)

·   Qian Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Jiadong Ren, Han Liu, Xuehang Wang, Bing Zhang. An intrusion detection algorithm based on joint symmetric uncertainty and hyperparameter optimized fusion neural network, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 244, 15 June 2024, 123014. (中科院1区TOP, SCI)

·  Bing Zhang, Hongchang Zhang, et al. Approach to detect Windows malware based on malicious tendency image and ResNet algorithm, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2024, 34(07):1173-1197. (CCF C, SCI)


· Wu G, Zhang B, Li Y. Intelligent and survivable resource slicing for 6G-oriented UAV-assisted edge computing networks[J]. Computer Communications, 2023, 202: 154-165. (CCF C,SCI)

·Jianhang Tang, Guoquan Wu, Mohammad Mussadiq Jalalzai, Lin Wang, Bing Zhang, Yi Zhou. Energy-optimal DNN model placement in UAV-enabled edge computing networks[J]. Digital Communications and Networks, 2023. (2区 SCI)

· Zheng Z, Liu Y, Zhang B, et al. A multitype software buffer overflow vulnerability prediction method based on a software graph structure and a self-attentive graph neural network[J]. Information and Software Technology, 2023: 107246. (CCF B, 2区 SCI)

· Zhao Y, Ren J, Zhang B, et al. An explainable attention-based TCN heartbeats classification model for arrhythmia detection[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 80: 104337. (SCI 2区, SCI)

· Wang Q, Gao Y, Ren J, Zhang B, et al. An automatic classification algorithm for software vulnerability based on weighted word vector and fusion neural network[J]. Computers & Security, 2023, 126: 103070.(CCF B, SCI)


· Wang, Qian & Zhao, Wenfang & Wei, Xiaoyu & Ren, Jiadong & Gao, Yuying & Zhang, Bing. (2022). Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Light Gradient Boosting Machine. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 32. 10.1142/S0218194022500462. (CCF C, SCI)

· He H, Huang G, Zhang B, et al. Research on Boruta-ET-Based Anomalous Traffic Detection Model[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022. (CCF C, SCI)

· Liu X, Ren J, He H, B Zhang et al. All-Packets-Based Multi-Rate DDoS Attack Detection Method in ISP Layer[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022.  (CCF C, SCI)

· He H, Huang G, Zhang B, et al. Research on DoS Traffic Detection Model Based on Random Forest and Multilayer Perceptron[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 2022.   (CCF C, SCI)

· Wang Q, Ren J, Zhang H, B Zhang et al. Identifying Influential Spreaders in Complex Networks Based on Degree Centrality[C]//Web Information Systems and Applications: 19th International Conference, WISA 2022, Dalian, China, September 16–18, 2022, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022: 314-326.

· Zhang B , Gao Y , Wu J , et al. Approach to Predict Software Vulnerability Based on Multiple-LevelN-gram Feature Extraction and Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning[J]. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2022, 32(10):1559-1582. (CCF C, SCI)

· Bing Zhang, Jingyue Li*, Jiadong Ren, Guoyan  Huang. Efficiency and Effectiveness of web application vulnerability detection approaches: A Review, ACM Computing Surveys,  2022, 54, 9, Article 190.  https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3474553  (中科院1区TOP, SCI)

· Zhangqi Zheng, Bing Zhang*, Yongshan Liu, Jiadong Ren, Xuyang Zhao, Qian Wang, An approach for predicting multiple-type overflow vulnerabilities based on combination features and a time series neural network algorithm, Computers & Security, 2022. (CCF B, SCI)

· 任家东, 张亚飞, 张炳*,等. 基于特征选择的工业互联网入侵检测分类方法[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2022, 59(5):12.

· Hongyan He, Guoyan Huang,  Bing Zhang, and Zhangqi Zheng,Research on DoS Traffic Detection Model Based on Random Forest and Multilayer Perceptron [J], Security and Communication networks,Volume 2022, Article ID 2076987. (CCF C类,SCI).

· Xinqian Liu, Jiadong Ren,  Haitao He, Bing Zhang, Qian Wang, and Zhangqi Zheng, All-Packets-Based Multi-Rate DDoS Attack Detection Method in ISP Layer[J], Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2022, Article ID 7551107. (CCF C类,SCI).


     · 张炳,文峥,赵宇轩,王苧,任家东. 双粒度轻量级漏洞代码切片方法评估模型,通信学报,2021,42(11): 233-241.

     · 张炳, 文峥, 魏筱瑜, 任家东, InterDroid:面向概念漂移的可解释性Android恶意软件检测方法, 计算机研究与发展, 2021, 58 (11): 2456-2474.

     · Sindre Beba, Magnus Melseth Karlsen, Jingyue Li and Bing Zhang, Critical Understanding of Security Vulnerability Detection Plugin Evaluation Reports, 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Dec 6-9, 2021,Taipei. (CCF C会议, SCI)

     · XinqianLiu,JiadongRen*,HaitaoHe,BingZhang,ChenSong,YunxueWang,A fast all-packets-based DDoS attack detection approach based on network graph and graph kernel,Journal of Network and Computer Applications,2021, 185(2):103079.(2区, SCI)

     · Guoyan Huang, Xinyi Li, Bing Zhang*, Jiadong Ren. PM2.5 Concentration Forecasting at Surface Monitoring Sites Using GRU Neural Network Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition [J], Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 768:144516.(中科院1区TOP, SCI,高被引)

     · 何红艳, 黄国言, 张炳, 陈瑜. 基于多种特征选择策略的入侵检测模型研究, 信息安全研究, 2021,7(03): 225-232.


     ·张炳,任家东,王苧. 网络安全风险评估分析方法研究综述[J]. 燕山大学学报,2020,44(3):290-305.

     ·张炳, 温敬业, 任慧慧.  A Classification Method of Arrhythmia Based on Adaboost Algorithm. 2020 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application , 2020/09/11 - 2020/09/13 China, Diqingzangzuzizhizhou (EI)

     ·张炳,单纯等. Software Crucial Functions Ranking and Detection in Dynamic Execution Sequence Patterns [J]. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2020, 30(5): 695-719. (CCF C,SCI)


     ·宋琛,黄国言,尹波,张炳等. Label propagation algorithm based on node similarity driven by local information [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, 33(30): 1950363. (SCI 四区,IF:0.736)

     ·张炳,孙盛廷,郝晓冰. Mining Important Functions in Software Network by Node Vulnerability [C]// 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Information Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2019, Oct 25-27, Xi’an, China, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1453 (2020) 012015. (EI: 20201108294035)

     ·宋琛,黄国言,张炳等. A Node Influence Ranking Algorithm Based on Probability Walking Model [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, 33(13): 1950132. (SCI 4区,IF:0.736)

     ·宋琛,黄国言,张炳等. Modeling Air Pollution Transmission Behavior as Complex Network and Mining Key Monitoring Station [J]. IEEE Access 2019, 7: 121245-121254. (SCI 2区,IF:3.557)

     ·张炳, 任家东 等. Health Data Driven on Continuous Blood Pressure Prediction based on Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Algorithm [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 32423-32433. (SCI 2区, IF:3.557)

     ·张炳, 任慧慧 等. Predicting blood pressure from physiological index data using the SVR algorithm [J]. BMC Bioinformatics, 2019, 20(1): 109. (CCF C, SCI,IF:2.213 )

     ·窦燕, 董俊, 余扬, 张炳. 面向OBE的《软件质量保证与测试》课程教学改革, 中国教育信息化.基础教育, 2019, 459:44-47. (职责:教学数据收集和总结分析)


     ·张炳,刘智杨,等. Network Intrusion Detection Method Based on PCA and Bayes Algorithm[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2018, 2018: 1914980.(CCF C 类期刊, SCI )

     ·张炳, 黄国言, 郑章琪, 任家东, 胡昌振. Approach to mine the Modularity of Software Network Based on the Most Vital Nodes[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 32543-32553. (SCI, IF:3.557, 2区)

     ·张炳, 魏之尧, 任家东, 程永强, 郑章琪. An Empirical Study on Predicting Blood Pressure using Classification and Regression Tree. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 21758 – 21768. (SCI, IF: 3.557, 2区)

     ·王倩, 任家东, 王宇, 张炳, 程永强, 赵小林, CDA: A Clustering Degree Based Influential Spreader Identification Algorithm in Weighted Complex Network, IEEE ACCESS, 2018, 6: 19550-19559. (SCI, IF: 3.557, 2区)


     ·张炳, 黄国言, 何海涛, 任家东. Approach to mine influential functions based on software execution sequence [J], IET Software, 2017, 11(2): 48-54. (CCF B类期刊, SCI)

     ·张炳, 黄国言, 王玉乾, 何海涛, 任家东. Mining dynamic noteworthy functions in software execution sequences [J], PLOS ONE, 2017, 12(3): e0173244. (SCI, IF: 3.057)

     ·黄国言, 张鹏, 张炳, 尹腾腾, 任家东. The Optimal Community Detection of Software Based On Complex Networks [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2016, 27(8): 1650085. (SCI, IF:1.26)

     ·黄远, 黄国言, 张炳, 姜万昌. An improved Grey-Markov model for urban air quality forecast [J]. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 2016, 7(8): 1739-1745. (EI)

     ·黄远, 黄国言, 姜万昌, 张炳. An improved grey neural network for urban air quality forecast [J]. ICIC Express Letters, 2016, 10(3): 555-562. (EI)

     ·黄国言, 张炳*, 任蓉, 任家东. An algorithm to find critical execution paths of software based on complex network [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015, 26(9): 1550101. (SCI, IF:1.26)

     ·黄国言, 张炳*, 任蓉, 任家东. A novel approach to efficiently mine structural patterns from software execution sequence [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(3): 1109-1119. (EI)

     ·何海涛, 任蓉, 张炳, 任家东. Analysis on impact of node failure in software execution network [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(6):2217-2225. (EI)

     ·任家东, 武宏飞, 尹腾腾, 白兰, 张炳. A Novel Approach for Mining Important Nodes in Directed-Weighted Complex Software Network [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(8). (EI)

     ·任东, 余海洋, 付文文, 张炳, 纪青. Crop diseases and pests monitoring based on remote sensing: A survey[C]. World Automation Congress (WAC), 2012. IEEE, 2012: 177-181. (本科期间发表)





     ·2018年校级课程规范化建设教改项目,基于OBE理念的Java Web开发技术课程教学模式探索,2018.09.01-2019.09.01, 参加,(5/5)


   · 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(自由探索类基础研究),226Z0701G,面向系统权限提升漏洞的智能化权限访问控制机制研究,2022/07-2025/06,在研,主持
   · 河北省自然科学基金青年项目,F2022203026,Web应用程序访问控制漏洞自动化检测、定位和修复方法研,2022/01-2024/12,在研,主持
   · 河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(青年拔尖人才),BJK2022029,基于符号执行的软件源代码和二进制代码漏洞分析方法研究,2022/01-2024/12,在研,主持

     · 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61802332,面向Web应用程序开发过程的漏洞在线预警分析研究,2019/01-2021/12,结题,主持

     · 博士后科研择优资助项目,B2019003020,数据挖掘在人体生理信号特征中的健康应用研究,2019/08-2020/03,3万元,结题,主持

     · 河北省研究生创新资助项目,2016SJBS010,软件执行过程中有影响力节点挖掘方法及关键技术研究,2016/01-2016/12,结题,主持(1/1)。

     · 博士后科研择优资助项目,B2017003005,软件复杂网络基于体系结构的故障特征分析方法研究,2017/01-2018/12,结题,参加,排名(2/6)。

     · 燕山大学基础研究专项培育课题(理工类)项目,16LGY018,基于多模型的软件重要模块挖掘方法及关键技术研究,2016/10-2019/10,6万元,结题,参加、执笔、排名(3/7)。

     · 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61772451,时空动态复杂网络下的空气质量传播行为模式和演变分析方法研究,2018/01-2021/12,64万元,结题,参加、执笔、排名(6/10)。

     · 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61772449,软件系统关键模块结构挖掘及其演化分析方法研究,2018/01-2021/12,63万元,结题,参加、执笔、排名(5/10)。

     · 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61572420,软件系统复杂网络层次化实体挖掘方法及关键技术研究,2016/01-2019/12,77.6万元,结题,参加、执笔、排名(5/9)。

     · 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61472341,基于复杂网络的软件多维可靠性分析方法研究,2015/01-2018/12,81万元,结题,参加、执笔、排名(9/9)。

     · 河北省自然科学基金资助项目,F2014203152,软件漏洞检测中基于有向图的序列分析方法研究,2014/01-2016/12,5万元,结题,参加、排名(8/8)。

     · 秦皇岛市科学技术研究与发展计划项目,201601B001,秦皇岛市科技创新卡平台,2016/01-2016/12,3万元,结题,参加、排名(6/9)。

     · 河北省环境应急与重污染天气预警中心项目,大数据环境下京津冀空气质量监测关键路径和关键节点的数据挖掘研究,2015/11-2016/03,结题,参加、排名(4/9)。 


     · Windows平台特权访问代理与特权凭证泄露风险检测技术研发, 2020-2021, 技术负责人。

     · 机械行业工业互联网安全现状及对策研究,2020-2021,技术负责人。

     · 汽车起重机液压泵、马达再制造技术研究(专家系统研发) (Asp.Net + Sqlserver2008), 2014/12-2016/12, 技术负责人。

     · 工程机械退役产品逆向物流与再制造技术研究与应用—工程机械退役产品逆向物流信息系统研究与建设(徐工集团逆向物流信息系统) (Asp.Net + Sqlserver2008), 2013/07-2014/07, 技术负责人。

     · 宁夏大学教师能力发展中心网站 (PHP + MySql), 2015/07-2015/08, 负责人。

