  • 硕士生导师
  • 职 称 : 讲师(高校)
  • 学 科 :
  • 单 位 : 建筑工程与力学学院
学位 : 博士学位
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
出生年月 : 1995-09
入职时间 : 2023-07-31
毕业院校 : 东南大学
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    陈玉柱,讲师,硕士生导师,燕山学者B类人才,江苏省可再生能源学会综合能源分委会副会长;现主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、燕山学者科研启动金等项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等多个重大项目;主要从事太阳能热化学、多能互补分布式供能系统的优化、智慧能源系统的能量管理、多属性评价等方面的研究,在Energy Conversion and ManagementRenewable EnergyEnergysustainable Production and Consumption等能源领域国际知名期刊发表SCI检索论文36篇,他引850余次,H指数19,同时担任多个SCI期刊审稿人;获2023年度江苏省可再生能源学会科学技术三等奖(第1完成人)和二等奖(第7完成人)各1项。


[1] Sustainability evaluation and sensitivity analysis of district heating systems coupled to geothermal and solar resources, Energy Conversion and Management, 220 (2020) 113084. 

[2] Carbon footprint analysis of an optimized solar-wind-gas coupled heat and power system from system and ecological perspectives, Energy Conversion and Management, 313 (2024) 118637.

[3] Optimizing solar full-spectrum integration in a methanol-driven district energy system: A comprehensive ecological assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 478 (2024) 143912.

[4] Exergo-environmental cost optimization of a solar-based cooling and heating system considering equivalent emissions of life-cycle chain, Energy Conversion and Management, 258 (2022) 115534. 

[5] Energy, environmental-based cost, and solar share comparisons of a solar driven cooling and heating system with different types of building, Applied Thermal Engineering, 211 (2022) 118435.

[6] Performance analysis and exergo-economic optimization of a solar-driven adjustable tri-generation system, Energy Conversion and Management, 233 (2021) 113873.

[7] Exergo-economic assessment and sensitivity analysis of a solar-driven combined cooling, heating and power system with organic Rankine cycle and absorption heat pump, Energy, 230 (2021) 120717. 

[8] Thermodynamic performance analysis and multi-criteria optimization of a hybrid combined heat and power system coupled with geothermal energy, Energy Conversion and Management, 210 (2020) 112741. 

[9] Techno-economic cost assessment of a combined cooling heating and power system coupled to organic Rankine cycle with life cycle method, Energy, 239 (2022) 121939.

[10] Multi-objective optimization of an integrated energy system against energy, supply-demand matching and exergo-environmental cost over the whole life-cycle, Energy Conversion and Management, 254 (2022) 115203. 

[11] Thermodynamic performance analysis and modified thermo-ecological cost optimization of a hybrid district heating system considering energy levels, Energy, 224 (2021) 120067.

 [12] Exergo-environmental cost optimization of a combined cooling, heating and power system using the emergy concept and equivalent emissions as ecological boundary, Energy, 233 (2021) 121124.

[13] Configuration optimization and selection of a photovoltaic-gas integrated energy system considering renewable energy penetration in power grid, Energy Conversion and Management, 254 (2022) 115260. 

[14] Integrated performance analysis of a space heating system assisted by photovoltaic/thermal collectors and ground source heat pump for hotel and office building types, Renewable Energy, 169 (2021) 925-934. 

[15] Ideal scheme selection of an integrated conventional and renewable energy system combining multi-objective optimization and matching performance analysis, Energy Conversion and Management, 251 (2022) 114989. 

[16] Configuration optimization of a wind-solar based net-zero emission tri-generation energy system considering renewable power and carbon trading mechanisms, Renewable Energy, 232 (2024) 121086. 

[17] Carbon and economic prices optimization of a solar-gas coupling energy system with a modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm considering operating sequences of water-cooled chillers, Energy, 301 (2024) 131573. 

[18] Optimization of a weather-based energy system for high cooling and low heating conditions using different types of water-cooled chiller, Energy, 252 (2022) 124094. 

[19] Multi-objective optimization of a solar-driven trigeneration system considering power-to-heat storage and carbon tax, Energy, 250 (2022) 123756. 

 [20] Thermo-ecological cost optimization of a solar thermal and photovoltaic integrated energy system considering energy level, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 33 (2022) 298-311. 

[21] Master slave game-based optimization of an off-grid combined cooling and power system coupled with solar thermal and photovoltaics considering carbon cost allocation, Renewable Energy, 229 (2024) 120734. 

[22] Thermo-ecological cost optimization of a solar thermal and photovoltaic integrated energy system considering energy level, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 33 (2022) 298-311.

[23] Adjustable performance analysis of combined cooling heating and power system integrated with ground source heat pump. Energy 163 (2018) 475-489.

[24] Thermo-ecological cost assessment and optimization for a hybrid combined cooling, heating and power system coupled with compound parabolic concentrated-photovoltaic thermal solar collectors. Energy 176 (2019) 479-492.

[25] Multicriteria performance investigations of a hybrid ground source heat pump system integrated with concentrated photovoltaic thermal solar collectors. Energy Conversion and Management 197 (2019) 111862.

[26] Energy, exergy and environmental analysis of a hybrid combined cooling heating and power system integrated with compound parabolic concentrated-photovoltaic thermal solar collectors. Energy 185 (2019) 463-476.

[27] Exergo-economic analysis method and optimization of a novel photovoltaic/thermal solar-assisted hybrid combined cooling, heating and power system. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 111945.


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