1. Research Field:
(1) Nonlinear Control: including traditional control and learning control of high-order nonlinear system.
(2) Unmanned System Control: including unmanned aerial vehicle control, unmanned ground vehicle control, etc.
(3) Deep Learing: including brain-computer interface, EEG and EMG pattern recognition.
(4) Soft Robot: Including the fabrication and control of bionic robots.
2. Paper Publications:
(1) For Nonlinear Control: you can read "Adaptive Full-state Constrained Control of Nonlinear Systems with Deferred Constraints Based on Nonbarrier Lyapunov Function
Method, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics".
(2) For Unmanned System Control: you can read "Distributed Adaptive Containment Control of Uncertain QUAV Multiagents with Time-varying Payloads and Multiple
Variable Constraints, ISA Transactions".
(3) For Deep Learning and Soft Robot: you can read "Attention-Based Multimodal tCNN for Classification of Steady-state Visual Evoked Potentials and Its Application to
Gripper Control, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems".
(4) For More: Just Google: Jiannan Chen.
3. Research Projects:
(1) Post-Doctoral Innovative Research Program.
(2) National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project.
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Degree : 博士学位
Alma Mater : 燕山大学
Education Level : 博士研究生毕业
School/Department : 电气工程学院
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