  • 博士生导师 硕士生导师
  • 职 称 : 教授
  • 学 科 :
  • 单 位 : 电气工程学院
学位 : 博士学位
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
职务 : 仪器科学与工程系副主任
出生年月 : 1979-06
入职时间 : 2014-07-15
毕业院校 : 哈尔滨工业大学


  • 课题组主页链接光谱分析与智能传感实验室


    1. 1、气体光谱检测技术;

    2. 2、高温光催化气体转化机理;

    3. 3、机械加工参数光学测量技术


    1. 1、国家自然科学基金面上项目基于多光谱的飞秒激光引导高压放电SF6分解机理及绝缘故障诊断研究(项目批准号:62175208),2022.01-2025.12,主持

    2. 2、中央引导地方科技发展资金项目基于漫反射腔增强傅立叶变换红外光谱技术的特高压GIS绝缘故障诊断研究(项目批准号:216Z1701G),2021.03-2024.03,主持

    3. 3、河北省自然科学基金面上项目:   面向GIS绝缘故障诊断的自适应腔增强多光谱SF6分解组分检测技术研究(项目批准号:F2022203071),2022.01-2024.12,主持

    4. 4、燕山大学基础创新科研培育项目:基于多光谱的高压GIS绝缘故障诊断技术研究(项目批准号:2021LGZD008),2022.01-2023.12,主持

    5. 5、中国特种设备检测研究院:基于TDLAS技术的烟气温度测量技术开发(项目批准号:2021LGZD008),2020.10-2021.09,主持

    6. 6、廊坊市坤友电气有限公司:基于测距原理的大型锻件同心度检测(项目批准号:X2020294),2020.10-2021.09,主持

    7. 7、哈尔滨工业大学委托课题:多通路气体池(项目编号:X2019065),2019.05-2021.12,主持

    8. 8、秦皇岛华宇通电力科技有限公司委托课题:配电设备中的绝缘气体SF6分解物检测(项目编号:X2020089),2020.06-2021.06,主持

    9. 9、哈尔滨工业大学委托课题:二氧化硫分析仪开发(项目编号:X2019227),2019.11-2020.11,主持

    10. 10、哈尔滨工业大学委托课题:三氧化硫分析仪开发(项目编号:X2019183),2019.10-2020.11,主持

    11. 11、国家自然科学基金青年项目:痕量气体探测的散射增强吸收光谱技术研究(项目批准号:61308065),2014.01-2016.12,主持

    12. 12、河北省自然科学基金青年项目:基于紫外吸收光谱技术的痕量SF6分解特征气体检测及绝缘故障诊断研究(项目批准号:E2015203014),2015.01-2017.12,主持

    13. 13、河北省自然科学基金青年项目:痕量气体探测的散射增强吸收光谱技术研究 (项目批准号:E2015203014),2015.01-2017.12,主持

    14. 14、国家博士后基金低浓度二氧化硫与硫化氢气体光谱检测技术研究(项目批准号:2013M540285),2014.01-2015.12,主持

    15. 15、河北省自然科学基金青年项目:痕量气体探测的散射增强吸收光谱技术研究 (项目批准号:E2015203014),2015.01-2017.12,主持

    16. 16、黑龙江省博士后基金气体光谱检测技术研究(项目批准号:LBH-Z13092),2014.09-2016.09,主持

    17. 17、黑龙江省科技攻关二氧化硫气体在线监测系统的开发(项目批准号:GC06A321),2006.01-2007.12,主持

    18. 18、哈工大科研创新基金痕量气体检测的吸收光谱技术研究 (项目批准号:HIT.NSRIF.2014084),2013.05-2015.04,主持

    19. 19、燕山大学博士基金基于分段吸收光谱技术的痕量气体检测研究(项目批准号:B907),2015.07-2018.07,主持



    1. 62、Yongqi Wu, Jie Gao, Mu Li, Xijun Wu, Qiang Gao, and Yungang Zhang*,  Spectral reconstruction method based on the intensity-altered spectral distribution,  Optics Express, (2025, SCI 中科院区 Top)

    2. 61、Shuo Zhao, Jie Gao, Yongqi Wu, Rui Zhu, Mu Li, Wanyi Qin, Xijun Wu, and Yungang Zhang*,  Measurement of Oand O3 absorption cross-sections in the 180-270nm by controlling the conversion of O2 to O3 in the linear-absorption region,  Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, (2025, SCI中科院 )


    3. 60、Mu Li, Qiwen Zhou, Jie gao, Rui Zhu, Fei Xie, Qiang Gao, and Yungang Zhang*,  A new optical analysis system for online measurement of NO temperature and concentration in combustion processes,  Analytical Chemistry, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    4. 59、Jiaqi Wang, Kai Tong, Meng Zhou, Huipeng Cao, Ronghua Wang, Xueli Gao, and Yungang Zhang*, An iterative localization method for feedback-based advanced feature pattern recognition,  IEEE Internet of Things Journal, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    5. 58、Jie Gao, Yucun Zhang, Rui Zhu, Mu Li, Fei Xie, Yongqi Wu, Xijun Wu, and Yungang Zhang*, Ultratrace CO/SF6 detection system based on differential fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined with the weighted sine spectral reconstruction convolutional neural network (WSSR-CNN) model, Analytical Chemistry, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    6. 57、Rui Zhu, Jie Gao, Qi Tian, Mu Li, Qiang Gao, Xijun Wu, Shufeng Xu, Yungang Zhang*, Optical chemical gas sensor based on spectral autocorrelation: A method for online detection of nitric oxide and ammonia in exhaled breath, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    7. 56、Mu Li,  Qiwen Zhou,  Yongqi Wu,  Jie Gao,  Rui Zhu,  Qiang Gao,  Xijun Wu,  Yungang Zhang*. An ultrafast optical sersor for simultanaous detection of NH3 temperature and concentration based on ultraviolet absorption spectral redshift combined with spectral reconstructionSensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    8. 55、Rui Zhu, Qiwen Zhou, Qi Tian, Shuo Zhao, Wanyi Qin, Xijun Wu, Shufeng Xu, and Yungang Zhang*Ppb-level ammonia sensor for exhaled breath diagnosis based on UV-DOAS combined with spectral reconstruction fitting neural network, ACS Sensors(2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    9. 54、Yongqi Wu, Jie Gao, Mu Li, Fei Xie, Wenbo Li, Xijun Wu,  Qiang Gao, Yungang Zhang*. Sensitive detection of OCS using thermal conversion combined with spectral reconstruction filtering differential optical absorption spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry(2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    10. 53、Mu Li, Jie Gao, Rui Zhu, Xinhui Li, Xijun Wu, Qiang Gao, Yungang Zhang*. An ultra-sensitive optical H2S sensor based on thermal conversion combined with UV-DOAS: Dynamic detection from ppm to ppb level, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical(2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    11. 52、Rui Zhu, Jie Gao, Mu Li, Yongqi Wu, Qiang Gao, Xijun Wu, Yungang Zhang*. Ultrasensitive  online NO sensor based on a distributed parallel self-regulating neural network and ultraviolet differential optical absorption spectroscopy for exhaled breath diagnosis, Acs Sensors(2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    12. 51、Mu Li,  Qiwen Zhou,  Yongqi Wu,  Jie Gao,  Rui Zhu,  Qiang Gao,  Xijun Wu, Yungang Zhang*.An ultrafast optical sensor for simultaneous detection of NH3 temperature and concentration based on ultraviolet absorption spectral redshift combined with spectral reconstruction, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical(2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    13. 50、Fei Xie,  Yongqi Wu,  Jie Gao,  Mu Li,  Rui Zhu,  Xijun Wu, Yungang Zhang*.Detection of ultra-low concentration NH3,SO2, and NO using UV-DOAS combined with multidimensional spectral fusion, Fuel(2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    14. 49、Rui Zhu, Jie Gao, Mu Li, Yongqi Wu, Xijun Wu, Yungang Zhang*. Multiparameter gas sensor based on UV-SFR combined with wavelet transform-neural network at ppb level, Optics and Laser Technology(2024, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    15. 48、Guangwen Shi, Jie Gao, Xinyu Zhang, Wanyi Qin, Yungang Zhang*. Quantitative  detection of multicomponent SF6 decomposition products based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined with SCARS-DNN, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2024, SCI 中科院二区)

    16. 47、Jie Gao, Yongqi Wu, Shuo Zhao, Rui Zhu, Mu Li, Wanyi Qin, Yucun Zhang, Yungang Zhang*.  Measurement of the absorption cross-sections of sulfur compounds in the 180-270 nm region considering nonlinear effects, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics(2024, SCI 中科院三区)

    17. 46、Xijun Wu, Zherui Du*, Renqi Ma*, Xin Zhang, Daolin Yang, Hailong Liu, Yungang Zhang. Qualitative and quantitative studies of phthalates in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) combined with long short term memory (LSTM) neural network, Food Chemistry, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    18. 45、Xijun Wu,  Xin Zhang*, Zherui Du, Daolin Yang, Baoran Xu, Renqi Ma, Hao Luo, Hailong Liu, Yungang Zhang. Raman spectroscopy combined with multiple one-dimensional deep learning models for simultaneous quantification of  multiple components in blended olive oil, Food Chemistry, (2024, SCI 中科院一区 Top)


    19. 44、Rui Zhu, Jie Gao, Mu Li, Qiang Gao, Xijun Wu, Yungang Zhang*. A ppb-level online detection system for gas concentrations in CS2/SO2mixtures based on UV-DOAS combined with VMD-CNN-TL model, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, (2023, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    20. 43、Mu Li, Jie Gao, Yongqi Wu, Rui Zhu, Qiang Gao, Yungang Zhang*. Study on  temperature effects of broadband absorption spectroscopy based on Doppler broadening combined with a multilinear shape superposition, Optics Letters, (2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    21. 42、Jie Gao, Mu Li, Huan Zhao, Yongqi Wu, Qiang Gao, Xijun Wu, Yucun Zhang, Yungang Zhang*. Study on photodissociation and photoconversion characteristics of CS2 in O2/O3 environment using real-time conversion products obtained by UV-DOAS, Journal of Environmental Chemical  Engineering, (2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    22. 41、Kaiyue  Zhang, Bin Liu, Yu Lei, Liang Guo, Ruidong Fu, Yucun, Zhang, Yungang Zhang*. An iterative algorithm to improve infrared thermographic  systems’ accuracy in temperature field measurement of aluminum alloys, Measurement(2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    23. 40、Zheng Lu , Bin Liu , Kaiyue Zhang , Hongbin Lin , Yungang Zhang*. A method for measuring the inclination of forgings based on an improved optimization algorithm for fitting ellipses, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement(2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    24. 39、Jie Gao,  Rui Zhu, Linying Li, Qiang Gao, Xijun Wu, Yucun Zhang, Yungang Zhang*. An adaptive absorption spectroscopy with adjustable moving window width for suppressing nonlinear effects in absorbance measurements, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular  Spectroscopy(2023, SCI 中科院二区)

    25. 38、Zheng Lu, Qiwen Zhou, Yungang Zhang*. Dimension measurement method of  ring forgings based on laser scanning and multiple regression filtering  algorithm, Measurement Science and Technology(2023, SCI 中科院三区)

    26. 37、Zheng Lu, Kaiyue Zhang, Xinyu Zhang, Xijun Wu, Yungang Zhang*. Online measurement method for roundness of large aluminum alloy ring based on laser ranging principle, Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2023, SCI 中科院三区)

    27. 36、Wei Xu * , Fengze Bai , Longjiang Zheng , Chunhai Hu , Zhiguo Zhang , Yungang Zhang, Zhen Sun. Thermally enhanced upconversion luminescence of  Cr3+ in Er3+-Yb3+-Cr3+ tri-doped garnet phosphors for sensitive optical  thermometry, Ceramics International, (2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    28. 35、Wei Xu *, Junqi Cui, Fengze Bai, Longjiang Zheng, Chunhai Hu,  Zhiguo  Zhang, Zhen Sun and Yungang Zhang. Convolutional neural networks driving thermally enhanced upconversion luminescence for temperature sensing: achieving high accuracy and robustness across a wide temperature range, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (2023, SCI 中科院二区)

    29. 34、Wei Xu, Chenglong Xu, Junqi Cui, Chunhai hu, Guilin Wen, long-jiang Zheng, Zhiguo Zhang, Zhen Sun, Yungang Zhang. Luminescence thermometry driven by support vector machine: a new strategy towards precise thermal  sensing, Optics Letters, (2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    30. 33、Xijun Wu, Renqi Ma *, Baoran Xu, Zhibin Wang , Zherui Du , Xin Zhang , Yudong Niu,  Shibo Gao, Hailong Liu,Yungang Zhang. Qualitative and quantitative studies of plasticizers in extra virgin olive oil by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics, Vibrational   Spectroscopy, (2023, SCI 中科院三区)

    31. 32、Xijun Wu , Baoran Xu *, Hao Luo , Renqi Ma , Zherui Du , Xin Zhang , Hailong Liu  , Yungang Zhang. Adulteration quantification of cheap honey in high-quality Manuka honey by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy  combined with deep learning, Food Control(2023, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    32. 31、Xijun Wu ,  Baoran Xu *, Yudong Niu *, Shibo Gao , Zhilei Zhao , Renqi Ma , Hailong  Liu , Yungang Zhang. Dtection of antioxidants in edible  oil by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy combined with  convolutional neural network, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, (2023, SCI 中科院二区 Top)


    33. 30、Jie Gao, Yungang Zhang*, Xinhui Li, Guangwen Shi, Yucun Zhang. Quantitative  Detection of Multicomponent SF6 Decomposition Products Based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With CARS-ELM Algorithm, IEEE  Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (2022, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    34. 29、Nan Ni, Kaiyue Zhang, Jinping Hu, Yucun Zhang, Yungang Zhang*. Combined use of blackbody  and infrared radiation for accurate measurement of temperature field of  aluminum alloys, Optik, (2022, SCI 中科院三区)

    35. 28、Linying Li,  Huan Zhao, Nan Ni, Jie Gao, Yungang Zhang*. Study on the origin of linear  deviation with the Beer-Lambert law in absorption spectroscopy by  measuring sulfur dioxide. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular  and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2022, SCI 中科院二区)

    36. 27、Yungang Zhang*, Zheng Lu, Huangtao Liu, Qiang Gao, Bo Li, Xijun Wu. Emission spectrum characteristics of SF6 plasma based on femtosecond laser‑guided high‑voltage discharge, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, (2022)

    37. 26、Xinyu Ai, Yungang Zhang, Zhiguo Zhang*. Highly sensitive trace oxygen sensing based on far-ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, Analyst(2022, SCI 中科院三区)

    38. 25、Xijun Wu,  Baoran Xu, Renqi Ma, Shibo Gao, Yudong Niu, Xin Zhang, Zherui Du, Hailong Liu, Yungang Zhang*. Botanical origin identification and adulteration quantification of honey based on Raman spectroscopy combined with convolutional neural network, Vibrational Spectroscopy, (2022, SCI 中科院三区)

    39. 24、Xijun Wu, Baoran Xu, Renqi Ma, Shibo Gao, Hailong Liu, Yungang Zhang*. Identification and quantification of adulterated honey by Raman spectroscopy combined with convolutional neural network and  chemometrics, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2022, SCI 中科院)

    40. 23、Xijun Wu,  Shibo Gao*, Yudong Niu, Zhilei Zhao, Renqi Ma, Baoran Xu, Hailong Liu, Yungang Zhang. Quantitative analysis of blended corn-olive oil based on Raman spectroscopy and one-dimensional  convolutional neural network, Food Chemistry, (2022, SCI 中科院区 Top)

    41. 22、Xijun Wu, Shibo Gao*, Yudong Niu, Zhilei Zhao, Renqi Ma, Baoran Ma, Hailong Liu,  Yungang Zhang. Identification of olive oil in vegetable blend oil by one-dimensional convolutional neural network  combined with Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, (2022, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    42. 21、Xijun Wu,  Yudong Niu, Shibo Gao, Zhilei Zhao, Yudong Niu, Renqi Ma, Baoran Xu, Hailong Liu, Yungang Zhang. Identification of antioxidants in  edible oil by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy combined with deep learning, LWT - Food Science and Technology, (2022, SCI 中科院区 Top)


    43. 20、Yungang Zhang*, Yongda Wang,  Yunjie Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Jimeng Li. Measurement of CS2 absorption cross section in the 188-215 nm region at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, Applied Spectroscopy, (2021, SCI 中科院三区)

    44. 19、张云刚*, 刘黄韬, 高强, 朱志峰, 李博, 王永达. 基于飞秒激光引导高压放电的SF6分解物原位检测, 光谱学与光谱分析, (2021, SCI 中科院四区)

    45. 18、Yungang Zhang*, Yongda Wang,  Yunjie Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Jimeng Li. Measurement of the absorption cross section of unstable CS based on the dynamic equilibrium of CS2 and CS in the photolysis of CS2Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, (2020, SCI 中科院三区)

    46. 17、Jimeng Li, Qingwen Yu, Yungang Zhang*. An enhanced rolling bearing fault detection  method combining sparse code shrinkage denoising with fast spectral correlation, ISA Transactions, (2020, SCI 中科院区 Top)

    47. 16、张云刚, 刘黄韬, 高强, 朱志峰, 李博, 王永达. 飞秒激光引导高压放电下的SF6等离子体时间分辨光谱特性, 物理学报, (2020, SCI 中科院四区)

    48. 15、Yungang Zhang*, Yongda Wang, Yunjie Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Jimeng Li.  Optical H2S and SO2 sensor based on chemical conversion and partition differential optical absorption spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta  Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2019, SCI 中科院)

    49. 14、Yungang Zhang*, Yongda Wang, Yunjie Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Jimeng Li.  A concentricity measurement method for large forgings based on laser ranging Principle, Measurement, (2019, SCI 中科院区 Top)

    50. 13、Jimeng Li, Hui Wang, Jinfeng Zhang, Xifeng Yao, Yungang Zhang*. Impact fault detection of gearbox based on variational mode decomposition and coupled underdamped  stochastic resonance, ISA Transactions, (2019, SCI 中科院区 Top)

    51. 12、Lin Wang, Yungang Zhang, Xue Zhou, Zhiguo Zhang*, Sensitive dual sensing system  for oxygen and pressure based on deep ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, Sensors  and Actuators B-Chemical, (2019, SCI 中科院区 Top)

    52. 11、Lin Wang, Yungang Zhang, Xue Zhou, Zhiguo Zhang*, System for simultaneous sensing of sulfur dioxide and carbon disulfide based on deep ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, Applied Optics, (2019, SCI 中科院四区)

    53. 10、Yungang Zhang*, Ruihui Liu, Meiting Wang, Kai Tong. Theoretical and experimental study of average reflection optical path length of diffuse cubic cavity, Acta Physica Sinica, (2018, SCI 中科院四区)

    54. 9、Lin Wang, Yungang Zhang, Xue Zhou, Zhiguo Zhang*, Highly-sensitive carbon disulfide on-line detection system based on deep ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, and its application in liquid-seal reliability assessment, Applied Optics, (2018, SCI 中科院四区)

    55. 8、Lin Wang, Yungang Zhang, Xue Zhou, Qin Feng, Zhiguo Zhang*, Optical sulfur dioxide sensor based on broadband absorption spectroscopy in the wavelength range of 198-222 nm, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, (2017, SCI 中科院一区 Top)

    56. 7、Yu Jia, Yungang Zhang, Yu Zhang, Qiang Gao, Gang Hu , Zhiguo Zhang*, Shaohua Wu.Diffuse reflectivity measurement using cubic cavity, Optics Letters, (2014, SCI 中科院二区 Top)

    57. 6、Qiang Gao, Yungang Zhang, Yu Jia, Shaohua Wu, Zhiguo Zhang*, Wei Guo, Integrating sphere effective optical path length calibration by gas absorption spectroscopy, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, (2013, SCI 中科院三区)

    58. 5、Qiang Gao, Yungang Zhang, Yu Jia, Shaohua Wu, Zhiguo Zhang*, Zheng Fu, Tunable multi-mode diode laser absorption spectroscopy for methane detection, Sensors And Actuators A-Physical, (2013, SCI 中科院三区)

    59. 4、Chongjun He*, Yungang Zhang, Liang Sun, Electrical and optical properties of Nd3+-doped Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 ferroelectric single crystal, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, (2013, SCI 中科院三区)

    60. 3、Yungang Zhang, Huashang Wang, Shaohua Wu, Zhiguo Zhang*. An optical system for measuring nitric oxide using spectral separation techniques, Applied Physics B, (2012, SCI 中科院三区)

    61. 2、Yungang Zhang, Huashang Wang, Xiaohui Lou, Shaohua Wu, Zhiguo Zhang*. Broadband UV spectroscopy system used for monitoring of SO2 and NO emissions from thermal power plants, Atmospheric Environment, (2010, SCI 中科院二区)

    62. 1、Huashang Wang, Yungang Zhang, Shaohua Wu, Xiaohui Lou, Zhiguo Zhang, Using broadband absorption spectroscopy to measure concentration of sulfur dioxide, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, (2010, SCI 中科院三区)


    1. 22、张云刚,周齐文,刘斌,李沐,朱瑞.    基于非视域镜像映射的高温锻件径向形貌重构系统及方法,公开号:CN118463863A

    2. 21、张云刚,朱瑞,高杰,李沐,武泳淇.   一种基于吸收光谱自相关的混合气体浓度检测装置和方法,公开号:CN118130412A

    3. 20、张云刚,赵烁,朱瑞,高杰,李沐.  一种氧气和臭氧的吸收截面测量装置及方法,申请号:202410735084.7

    4. 19、张云刚,秦婉仪,高杰,朱瑞,李沐.  基于多峰相关性分析的高温铝轧制油浓度检测装置及方法,申请号:202410703125.4

    5. 18、张云刚,朱瑞,高杰,李沐,王淇霖一种基于光谱的人体呼出一氧化氮痕量检测装置,申请号:202420007393.8

    6. 17、张云刚,李沐,高杰,朱瑞,梁鸿浩.  一种基于全光谱的SF6分解产物检测装置,申请号:202420007413.1

    7. 16、张云刚,李鑫辉,高杰一种基于高温转化和光谱技术的硫化氢检测装置及方法,申请号:202210884312.8

    8. 15、张云刚,高杰,赵亚平. FTIR结合CARS-ELMSF6分解物检测方法, 申请号:202210684113.2

    9. 14、刘斌,张凯越,张云刚基于红外热成像与迭代算法的铝合金温度场测量方法,申请号:202210650691.4

    10. 13、张云刚,鲁政,张玉存基于改进的椭圆拟合优化算法测量锻件倾斜度的方法, 申请号:202210682961.X

    11. 12、张云刚,鲁政,张玉存,张凯越. 大型铝合金环形锻件圆度在线检测装置及其检测方法,专利号: ZL202111513912.5

    12. 11、张玉存,李琳颖,张云刚. 基于自适应差分吸收光谱技术的气体浓度线性测量方法,专利号:ZL202110941183.7

    13. 10、张玉存,倪楠,张云刚. 基于黑体点在线校准的红外辐射铝合金板温度场测量方法,专利号:ZL202110716191.1

    14. 9、张云刚,刘黄韬,张文平,王永达. 基于飞秒激光引导高压放电的SF6分解机理实验装置及方法,专利号:ZL 201910710679.6

    15. 8、张云刚,刘云杰,胡睿,王永达. 一种一硫化碳吸收截面测量装置及方法,专利号: ZL 201910800714.3

    16. 7、张云刚,王永达,刘云杰,张玉存. 搅拌头压下量的在线检测装置与检测方法,专利号:ZL201810918117.6

    17. 6、张云刚,王永达,刘云杰,张玉存. 基于测距原理的大型锻件同心度检测装置及其检测方法,专利号:ZL 201810005285.6

    18. 5、张云刚,刘云杰,王永达基于紫外光催化转化的硫化氢气体浓度检测装置及检测方法, 申请号:201811544115.1

    19. 4、张云刚,李继猛,童凯. 一种二氧化硫和硫化氢气体浓度检测装置及其检测方法,申请号:201510588845.1

    20. 3、张云刚,李继猛. 一种气态单质汞光谱监测方法及其监测装置,申请号:201510687894.0

    21. 2、张云刚,秦峰,高强,虞佳,张治国二极管激光吸收光谱的积分球等效路径标定装置及方法,专利号:ZL 201310009320.9

    22. 1、张云刚,张治国同时监测一氧化氮和氯化氢气体浓度的装置及其测量方法,专利号:ZL20051010428.5


    1. 7、张云刚,朱瑞氨气光谱处理与分析软件,登记号:2024SR0172926

    2. 6、张云刚,朱瑞二硫化碳气体光谱处理与分析软件,登记号:2024SR0230291

    3. 5、张云刚,朱瑞. 氢气光谱处理与分析软件,登记号:2024SR1029287

    4. 4、张云刚,朱瑞乙醇气体光谱处理与分析软件,登记号:2024SR1001217

    5. 3、张云刚,朱瑞二氧化碳光谱处理与分析软件,登记号:2024SR1127245

    6. 2、张云刚,朱瑞气体光谱可视化分析软件,登记号:2023SR0937567

    7. 1、张云刚,朱瑞一氧化氮气体光谱处理与分析软件,登记号:2023SR1539717


    1. 1、2020年度师德先进个人(校级)

    2. 2、2022年度师德先进个人(院级)

    3. 3、2023年度师德先进个人(校级)



张云刚, 博士,教授,博士生导师,2012年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获博士学位,主要从事气体检测和光学测量技术研究;主持国家自然科学基金2项、河北省自然科学基金2项、中央引导地方科技发展资金项目1项、中国博士后基金1项、省博士后基金1项,承担横向课题6项;已发表SCI检索学术论文60余篇,授权发明专利20项,登记软件著作权7项。

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