Zhao Xiaojun
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8、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目:低压微电网逆变器多机增强型孤岛检测与控制关键问题研究 (516071542017.1.1~2019.12.31,参加。 





1、Xiaojun ZhaoPengshuo Bai, Xiaohuan Wang, et al. Coupling constraint behavior and design method for two-degree-of-freedom in series-parallel architecture electric energy router[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2024, 15(2): 1680-1693(SCI 一区 TOP)

2、Xiaojun Zhao, Yingrui Liu, Xiuhui Chai, et al.  Multimode operation mechanism analysis and power flow flexible control of a new type of electric energy router for low-voltage distribution network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022, 13(5): 3594-3606. (SCI 一区 TOP)

3Xiaojun Zhao, Chunjiang Zhang, Xiuhui Chai, et al. Balance control of grid currents for UPQC under unbalanced loads based on matching-ratio compensation algorithm[J]. Journal of  Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2018, 6(6):1319-1331. (SCI  一区

4Chunjiang Zhang, Xiaojun Zhao*, Xiaohuan Wang, et al. A grid synchronization PLL method based on mixed second- and third-order generalized integrator for DC-offset elimination and frequency adaptability[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2018, 6(3): 1517-1526. (SCI 二区 TOP)

5、Ying Zhang, Xiaojun Zhao*, Haodong Dang,  et al. A multi-mode unified control for PV and energy storage integrated unified power quality conditioner[J]. Electrical Engineering, Early Access, 2025. (SCI)

6、Xiaojun Zhao, Zehui Zhang, Chunjiang Zhang, et al. Bifurcation behavior analysis and stability region discrimination for series-parallel architecture electric energy router[J]. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2023, 33(8): 2350091. (SCI)

7、Xiaojun Zhao, Pengshuo Bai, Chunjiang Zhang, et al. Analysis and validations of operation behaviors for dual active bridge-based unified power quality conditioner under different working conditions[J]. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2023, 51(2): 541-556. (SCI)

8、Yingrui Liu, Xiaojun Zhao*, Xiaohuan Wang, et al. Power flow flexible operation analysis for series-parallel architecture region energy router[C]. 16th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2021), Chengdu, China, 1-4 August 2021. (SCI  最佳会议论文奖  WOS:000709847700004)

9、Xiaojun Zhao, Xiuhui Chai, Xiaoqiang Guo, et al. Impedance matching-based power flow analysis for UPQC in three-phase four-wire systems[J]. Energies, 2021, 14(9): 2702. (SCI)

10、赵晓君张纯江柴秀慧串并联架构区域电能路由器柔性运行与功率流控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(7): 1480-1491. (EI)

11、Xiaojun Zhao, Chunjiang Zhang, Xiaoqiang Guo, et al. Novel power flow analysis method based on impedance matching for UPQC with grid voltage fluctuations and unbalanced loads[J].  IET Power Electronics, 2020, 13(19): 4417-4427.  (SCI)

12、柴秀慧, 张纯江, 赵晓君, . 基于自恢复下垂的分布式电源主动同步控制及参数优化[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2020, 44(19): 128-133. (EI)

13、张纯江赵晓君郭忠南二阶广义积分器的三种改进结构及其锁相环应用对比分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(22): 42-49. (EI) 

14赵晓君张纯江刘明串并联补偿式不间断电源四象限360°运行机理分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(8): 237-246. (EI) 

15赵晓君张纯江李世伟基于阻抗匹配法的UPQC功率潮流分析[J]. 电力电子技术, 2018, 52(2): 118-120. 


1、赵晓君, 张颖王晓寰一种多微网接入的双直流母线架构单相电能路由器授权号: ZL202311660278.7, 授权日期: 2024-10-8.

2、张颖赵晓君王晓寰一种用于串并联架构电能路由器的自由度参数设计方法授权号: ZL202311228266.7, 授权日期: 2024-2-9. 

3、赵晓君, 白蓬硕, 张纯江, . 基于双自由度多约束关系的电能路由器功率控制方法, 授权号: ZL202310340593.5, 授权日期: 2023-8-15.

4、赵晓君, 张泽辉, 张纯江 一种基于串并联型电能路由器的多模式统一控制方法中国ZL202111140974.6. 授权日期:2023-6-9.

5张纯江赵晓君柴秀慧一种统一电能质量调节器网侧电流平衡控制方法中国, ZL201710248004.5. 授权日期:2019-04-09.

6张纯江赵晓君阚志忠一种适用于三相电网电压的新型锁相方法中国, ZL201610973444.2. 授权日期:2020-02-25.

7、赵晓君, 刘盈瑞, 王晓寰一种适用于低压配电网的大功率电能路由器: 中国, 202011322000.5. 申请日期:2020-11-23. 

8、柴秀慧, 崔文超, 张纯江, 赵晓君, 白洁. 弱电网下并网逆变器的SOCVF前馈和相位补偿因子切换控制方法: 中国, ZL20181366076.0. 授权日期:2020-04-03.

9、柴秀慧, 白洁, 张纯江, 赵晓君, 崔文超. 一种基于储能电池荷电状态的控制方法及系统: 中国, ZL201811137672.1. 授权日期:2020-04-17.

10张纯江, 杨玉德, 柴秀慧, 王晓寰, 赵晓君, . 一种非隔离型大功率高升压比双向DC/DC变换器及控制方法: 中国, ZL201710251168.3. 授权日期:2020-04-18.

  • Education Background
  • Work Experience
2012-9 | 2018-1
  • 燕山大学
  • Power Electronics and Power Transmission
  • 博士研究生毕业
  • Doctor
  • 博士研究课题:基于直接控制的统一电能质量调节器关键控制策略研究 硕士研究课题:非接触电能传输技术的优化研究

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
  • 中国电源学会会员

  • IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) 会员

  • IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics  审稿人

  • International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems  审稿人

  • IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy  审稿人

  • IET Power Electroncis  审稿人

Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Degree : Doctor

Alma Mater : 燕山大学

Education Level : 博士研究生毕业

School/Department : 电气工程学院

Date of Employment : 2018-09-07

Discipline : Power Electronics and Power Transmission
Electrical Theory and New Technology
Power System and Automation

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