  • 博士生导师 硕士生导师
  • 职 称 : 教授
  • 学 科 :
  • 单 位 : 理学院
学位 : 博士学位
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
职务 : 副院长
出生年月 : 1978-09
毕业院校 : 燕山大学
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教师博客
发布时间:2021-07-05    点击次数:



1.J.H. Zhang, X.M. Liu, G.S. Zhang, W.K. Deng, J.Y. Hao, M. Li, D.F. Guo*, Microstructure evolution and formation of gradient structure in Zr upon surface corrugation rolling treatment, J. Mater. Sci. 56, 12898–12908 (2021).

2.J. Y. Hao, G. S. Zhang, W. K. Shan, M. Li, K. F. Li, Z. Gong, Y. W. Gao, D. F. Guo*, Effects of strain and electropulse duration on elastic modulus of TiNi alloy, Mater. Sci. Tech. 36, 1221–1226 (2020).

3.W.K. Shan, G.S. Zhang, K.F. Li, J.Y. Hao, M. Li, Z. Gong, Y.W. Gao, D.F. Guo*, Nanocrystallization of pure Zr via room temperature rolling deformation, J. Alloys Compd. 819, 152955 (2020).

4.G.S. Zhang, Q. Zhang, K.F. Li, Y.B. Cao, M. Li, W.K. Shan, D.F. Guo*, Tailoring elastic admissible strain of TiZr alloy by cold rolling deformation, J. Alloys Compd. 781, 504-507(2019).

5.G.S. Zhang, W.K. Shan, D.F. Guo*, Phase and Grain Size Dependence of the Pinning Strength of Nanocomposite Magnets, J Supercond. Nov. Magn. 32, 1599-1603 (2019).

6.M. Li, D.F. Guo*, J.T. Li, S.M. Shi, C. Xu, K.F. Li, Y.D. Zhao, B.N. Wei, Q. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Achieving heterogeneous structure in hcp Zr via electroplastic rolling, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 722, 93-98 (2018).

7.K.F. Li, M. Li, Y.D. Zhao, W.K. Shan, Y.B. Cao, D.F. Guo*, Achieving ultralow elastic modulus in TiNi alloy by controlling nanoscale martensite phase, Mater. Lett. 233, 282-285 (2018).

8.D.F. Guo*, Y.D. Zhao, J.T. Li, K.F. Li, G.S. Zhang, M Li, B.N. Wei, Q. Zhang, X. H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Enhancing fracture toughness of fine-grained Zr via forming nanoscale defect structures, J. Alloys Compd, 729, 89-94 (2017).

9.G.S. Zhang, D.F. Guo*, M. Li, J.T. Li, Q. Zhang, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Tailoring Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Cold Deformed TiZrAlV Alloy by Thermal Treatment, Acta Metall. Sin. 30, 493-498 (2017).

10.Q. Zhang, D.F. Guo*, G.S. Zhang, J.T. Li, B.N. Wei, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, An extraordinary enhancement of wear resistance in a multi-modal- laminated alloy, Mater. Des. 91, 53-57 (2016).

11.K. Sato, D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Reverse-Martensitic Hardening of Austenitic Stainless Steel upon Up-quenching, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85, 084601(2016).

12.H.L. Li, X.H. Li, D.F. Guo, L. Lou, W. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Three-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Core/Shell-Like Nanostructures for High-Performance Nanocomposite Permanent Magnets, Nano Lett. 16, 5631-5638 (2016).

13.Y.D. Shi, G.S. Zhang, M. Li, D.F. Guo, Z.X. Zhang, B.N. Wei, J.T. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile properties of deformed α/ β Ti-47Zr-5Al-3V alloy, J. Alloys Compd. 665, 1-6 (2016).

14.Y.D. Shi, L.N. Wang, M. Li, G.S. Zhang, D.F. Guo, X.Y. Zhang, Enhancing Mechanical Properties of TiZrAlV by Engineering a Multi-Modal-Laminated Structure, Adv. Eng. Mater. 18, 60-64 (2016).

15.Q. Zhang, W.P. Song, G.W. Huang, L. Lou, F.C. Hou, D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Crystallization process and kinetics of SmCo/Fe and SmCo/FeCo partially crystallized amorphous alloys, J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 432, 361-365 (2016).

16.H.L. Li, W. Li, D.F. Guo, X.Y. Zhang, Tuning the microstructure and magnetic properties of bulk nanocomposite magnets with large strain deformation, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 425, 84-89 (2016).

17.D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, G.S. Zhang, K. Sato, Z.J. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Irradiation toughening in a hierarchical structured alloy, Scr. Mater. 108, 64-67 (2015).

18.D.F. Guo*, J.T. Li, G.S. Zhang, Q. Zhang, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, T.Y. Ma, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of deformed TiZrAlV upon annealing, J. Alloys Compd. 651, 779-784 (2015).

19.D.F. Guo*, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, G.S. Zhang, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Optimization of tensile properties of a hierarchical structured TiZrAlV alloy by proton irradiation, Mater. Lett. 161, 743-746 (2015).

20.Y.D. Shi, M. Li, G.S. Zhang, D.F. Guo, L.N. Wang, B.N. Wei, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Thermal stability of hierarchical and multiphase nanolaminated TiZrAlV, Mater. Des. 88, 115-122(2015).

21.D.F. Guo, Z.B. Zhang, G.S. Zhang, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, T.M. Ma, X.Y. Zhang, An extraordinary enhancement of strain hardening in fine-grained zirconium, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 591, 167-172 (2014).

22.D.F. Guo, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, Z.B. Zhang, T.Y. Ma, H.T. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Simultaneously enhancing the ductility and strength of cryorolled Zr via tailoring dislocation configurations, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 612, 1-6 (2014).

23.Y.D. Shi, M. Li, D.F. Guo, T.Y. Ma, Z.B. Zhang, X.H. Li, G.S. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Extraordinary Toughening by Cryorolling in Zr, Adv. Eng. Mater. 16, 167-170 (2014).

24.L. Lou, F.C. Hou, Y.N. Wang, Y. Cheng, H.L. Li, W. Li, D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Texturing for bulk α-Fe/Nd2Fe14B nanocomposites with enhanced magnetic properties, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 352, 45-48 (2014).

25.D.F. Guo, Z.B. Zhang, G.S. Zhang, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, T.Y. Ma, X.Y. Zhang, An extraordinary enhancement of strain hardening in fine-grained zirconium, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 591, 167-172 (2014).

26.M. Li, D.F. Guo, T.Y. Ma, G.S. Zhang, Y.D. Shi, X.Y. Zhang, High fracture toughness in a hierarchical nanostructured zirconium, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 606, 330-333 (2014).

27.M. Li, D.F. Guo, T.Y. Ma, Y.D. Shi, G.S. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, A hierarchical nanolamella-structured alloy with excellent combinations of tensile properties, Mater.  Sci. Eng. A 606, 396-400 (2014).

28.M. Li, D.F. Guo, Q. Zhang, T.Y. Ma, Y.D. Shi, G.S. Zhang, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Simultaneously enhancing fracture toughness and strength in a hierarchical nanolamella-structured alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 612, 1-6(2014).

29.Y.D. Shi, M. Li, D.F. Guo, G.S. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, A hierarchical and multiphase nanolaminated alloy with an excellent combination of tensile properties, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 615, 464-468 (2014).

30.Z.B. Zhang, M Li, D.F. Guo, Y.D. Shi, X.Y. Zhang, Hans-Eckhardt Schaefer, Enhancement of TiZr ductility by hcp–fcc martensitic transformation after severe plastic deformation, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 594, 321-323 (2014).

31.Z.B. Zhang, G.S. Zhang, D.F. Guo, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, High tensile ductility and strength in dual-morphology hierarchical nanolamellar-structured TiZr alloys, Mater. Lett. 131, 240-243 (2014).

32.D.F. Guo, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, T.Y. Ma, Z.B. Zhang, T.S. Wang, X.Y. Zhang, Mechanical annealing of cryorolled Zr, Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 581, 133-139 (2013).

33.Y.D. Shi, D.F. Guo, M. Li, Z.B. Zhang, T.Y. Ma, X.Y. Zhang, Formation processes of dislocation cells in cryorolled Zr upon annealing, Mater. Sci. Technol. 29, 921-924 (2013).

34.Y.D. Shi, M. Li, D.F. Guo, T.Y. Ma, Z.B. Zhang, G.S. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Tailoring grain size distribution for optimizing strength and ductility of multi-modal Zr, Mater. Lett. 108, 228-230 (2013).

35.Z.B. Zhang, M. Li, D.F. Guo, Y.D. Shi, T.Y. Ma, G.S. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Enhancing the stability of β phase in TiZr via severe plastic deformation, Mater. Sci.  Eng. A 588, 416-419 (2013).

36.H.L. Li, L. Lou, F.C. Hou, D.F. Guo, W. Li, X.H. Li, Dmitry V. Gunderov, K. Sato, X.Y. Zhang, Simultaneously increasing the magnetization and coercivity of bulk nanocomposite magnets via severe plastic deformation, Appl. Phys.  Lett. 103, 142406 (2013).

37.F.C. Hou, Y. Cheng, L. Lou, H.L. Li, D.F. Guo, W. Li, X.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Bulk α-Fe/Nd2Fe14B nanocomposite magnets prepared by hot deformation of amorphous Nd10.5Fe82Cu1.5B6, Mater. Lett. 108, 186-188 (2013).

38.X.H. Li, Z.D. Feng, L. Lou, L.P. Zhou, D.F. Guo, B.T. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Effect of thermomechanical deformation on the magnetic anisotropy of bulk a-Fe/Nd2Fe14B nanocomposite magnets, Mater. Lett. 97, 18-20 (2013).

39.D.F. Guo, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, Z.B. Zhang, H.T. Zhang, X.M. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Effect of strain rate on microstructure evolutions and mechanical properties of cryorolled Zr upon annealing, Mater. Lett. 66, 305-307 (2012).

40.D.F. Guo, M. Li, Y.D. Shi, Z.B. Zhang, H.T. Zhang, X.M. Liu, B.N. Wei, X.Y.  Zhang, High strength and ductility in multimodal-structured Zr, Mater. Des. 34, 275-278 (2012).

41.X.H. Li, H.T. Zhang, D.F. Guo, C.Z. Yang, L. Xu, Y. Li, Y.N. Li, B.T. Liu, X.Y.  Zhang, Temperature and Pressure-Mediated Structural Transition of ZnS Nanoparticles, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 12, 3154-3158 (2012).

42.L. Xu, D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, L.P. Zhou, F.Q. Wang, X.Y. Zhang, Activation volumes for nanocrystal growth in amorphous Nd3.6Pr5.4Fe83Co3B5 at different temperatures, J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys. 44, 145001 (2011).

43.L. Xu, Y.G. Liu, D.F. Guo, L.P. Zhou, F.Q. Wang, H.T. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Bulk anisotropic nanocomposite magnets prepared by the thermo-mechanical processing of Nd3.6Pr5.4Fe83Co3B5 with different microstructures, J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys. 44, 355002 (2011).

44.X.H. Li, H.T. Zhang, J.Y. Gao, D.F. Guo, C.Z. Yang, L. Xu, B.T. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Transition temperature reduction for CdS nanoparticles under high pressure, J. Nanopart. Res. 13, 6563-6568 (2011).

45.X.H. Li, F.Q. Wang, T. Liu, D.F. Guo, X.Y. Zhang, Thermal-vacancy-assisted phase transition in FePt thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 141912 (2011).

46.D.F. Guo, W. Li, X.H. Li, Y. Chen, Kiminori Sato, X.Y. Zhang, Improving the interfacial structure of nanocomposite magnets on an atomic scale, J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys. 43, 325003 (2010).

47.W. Li, D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, Y. Chen, Dmitry V. Gunderov, Vladimir V. Stolyarov, X.Y. Zhang, Bulk α-Fe/Nd2Fe14B nanocomposite magnets produced by severe plastic deformation combined with thermal annealing, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 053901 (2010).

48.X.H. Li, F.Q. Wang, Z. Guo, H. Li, D.F. Guo, B.T. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Amorphous Ni–Al underlayer-accelerated L10 ordering transition of FePt thin films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 256, 3822-3825 (2010).

49.Y.W. Xie, D.F. Guo, J.R. Sun, B.G. Shen, Effect of film thickness on interfacial barrier of manganite-based heterojunctions, Chinese Phys. B. 19, 117306 (2010).

50.D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, W. Li, L. Xu, K. Sato, X.Y. Zhang, Study of nanocrystallization transitions in amorphous Nd9Fe85B6 on an atomic scale, J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys. 42, 215407 (2009).

51.Y.G. Liu, L. Xu, D.F. Guo, W. Li, Q.F. Wang, X.Y. Zhang, Bulk anisotropic Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite magnets prepared by hot-deformation processing of amorphous alloys, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 113918 (2009).

52.W. Li, X.H. Li, D.F. Guo, Kiminori Sato, Dmitry V. Gunderov, Vladimir V. Stolyarov, X.Y. Zhang, Atomic-scale structural evolution in amorphous Nd9Fe85B6 subjected to severe plastic deformation at room temperature, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 231904 (2009).

53.Y.W. Xie, J.R. Sun, D. F. Guo, B.G. Shen, X.Y. Zhang, Backward diode behavior in oxygen-excessive manganite-titanate p-n junction, Europhys. Lett. 87, 57006 (2009).

54.H.Y. Sun, X.H. Li, Y. Chen, D.F. Guo, Y.W. Xie, W. Li, B.T. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Diameter- and current-density-dependent growth orientation of hexagonal CdSe nanowire arrays via electrodeposition, Nanotechnology 20, 425603(2009).

55.Y.W. Xie, J.R. Sun, D.J. Wang, D.F. Guo, B.Y. Liang, B.G. Shen, Large room-temperature magnetoresistance in ultra-thin La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Nb,SrTiO3 junction, J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys. 42, 185008 (2009).

56.W. Wu, D.F. Guo, W. Li, L.L. Li, H.Y. Sun, X.Y. Zhang, X.H. Li, B.T. Liu, Activation volume for nanocrystal growth in amorphous Nd9Fe85B6, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 6044 (2008).

57.C.Z. Yang, Y.G. Liu, H.Y. Sun, D.F. Guo, X.H. Li, W. Li, B.T. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, Pressure- induced transition-temperature reduction in ZnS nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, 19, 095704 (2008).


1.        郭得峰,郝津源,李明,张湘义,通过波纹轧制实现金属材料表面梯度强化的方法,中国发明专利 ZL 201910779533. 72019.08.

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