  • 硕士生导师
  • 职 称 : 讲师(高校)
  • 学 科 :
  • 单 位 : 环境与化学工程学院
学位 : 博士学位
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
出生年月 : 1989-02
入职时间 : 2021-09-23
毕业院校 : 天津大学
  • [1]. 2009.9- 2013.6

    兰州交通大学  |   化学工程与技术  |   大学本科教育  |   学士

  • [2]. 2013.9- 2016.6

    天津大学  |   化学工艺  |   硕士研究生  |   硕士

  • [3]. 2017.9- 2021.6

    天津大学  |   化学工艺  |   博士研究生  |   博士学位


肖周荣,男,硕士生导师,讲师。2021年获得天津大学化学工艺工学博士学位,师从张香文教授(液体燃料首席科学家)、李国柱教授(中组部青年拔尖人才)、邹吉军教授(万人计划领军人才/教育部长江学者)。目前在燕山大学王德松教授(副校长)课题组(绿色燃料科学与技术团队)从事燃料转化制氢/CO2还原制备化学品等工艺技术相关研究。研究结果以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文28篇,中科院一区论文10篇、二区论文10篇,高被引论文2篇,热点论文1篇,单篇最高引用量达到130余次,申请中国发明专利8项,已授权3项。目前在国际催化期刊Catalysts(中科院三区,IF = 3.9)任“New Insights into Catalysis for Hydrogen Production and Fuel Conversion”特刊客座编辑,是国内外多个重要期刊(Applied Catalysis B-EnvironmentalEnergy Conversion and ManagementFuelRSC AdvancesSustainabilityApplied SurfaceCatalystsEnergiesChinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,化工进展,低碳化学与化工)审稿人。


1. 广谱燃料(甲烷、甲酸、醇类、液体碳氢燃料)蒸汽重整制氢催化剂开发及工艺技术研究。

2. 热、光热耦合催化CO2/废弃塑料定向还原制备高附加值化学品催化剂开发及工艺技术研究


1.  燕山大学科研启动基金(2021年-,项目编号:8190442

2.  燕山大学基础创新科研培育项目(2022年-,项目编号:2021LGQN028

3.  秦皇岛市科技计划项目(2021年-,项目编号:202101A005)--结题

4.  河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目青年项目(2023年-,项目编号:QN2023094

5.  企业横向-金属催化剂光热分解废弃塑料制备化学品的研发(2023年-,项目编号:x2023322

6.  秦皇岛市科技计划项目(2024年-,项目编号:202401A008

7.  河北省自然科学基金青年项目(2024年-,项目编号:B2024203016


1. 重点研发计划项目-煤直接转化液体产物制高品质燃料和化学品的催化与化工基础(2016YFB0600305张香文

2. 军委科技委项目-广谱高能液体燃料分子断裂解离机理研究(17-163-13-XZ-005-001-01邹吉军

3. 国家重大专项子课题-“燃料吸热新途径过程”(XXX(保密)燃料技术,潘伦)

4. 国家自然科学基青年基金项目-仿生调控Pt/SBA-15的构型机制与催化加氢性能研究(21306132李国柱



19.  XXX(期待是你的名字)Zhourong Xiao*, XXX, and Desong Wang*Nature/Science 子刊. 2024. Prepared(通讯)

18.  Zhiyou LianZhourong Xiao*, Junjie Zhang, Xiangwen Zhang, Li Wang, Ji-Jun Zou, and Guozhu Li*. Controllable adjustment of nickel particle accessibility for efficient hydrogen production via steam reforming of methane 2024. Under Review(通讯,唯一第二单位)

17.  Xining GuoZhourong Xiao*, Changxuan Zhang, Hui Zhang, Xinyi Tan, Guozhu Li, Ji-Jun Zou, and Desong Wang*. A comprehensive review on strategies for enhancing methane steam reforming via efficient catalyst design, reactor technology, and separation method 2024. Under Review(通讯)

16.  Hui ZhangZhourong Xiao*, Changxuan Zhang, Fei Ye, Jianmin Gu, Enxian Yuan, Guozhu Li, Ji-Jun Zou and Desong Wang*. Pt-supported on N-doped carbon/TiO2 nanomaterials derived from NH2-MIL-125 for efficient photo-thermal RWGS reaction 2024. Under Review(通讯)

15. Zhourong Xiao*, Changxuan Zhang, Peng Li, Xinyi Tan, Jianmin Gu, Enxian Yuan, Zhiyou Lian, Guozhu Li, and Desong Wang*Influence of composition-tailored Ni-In intermetallic alloys on selectivity and stability in RWGS reaction: A combined experimental and theoretical study. 2024. Under Review(通讯)

14. Changxuan Zhang, Zhourong Xiao*, Hui Zhang, Xinyi Tan, Jianmin Gu, Fei Ye, Enxian Yuan, Guozhu Li, Ji-Jun Zou and Desong Wang*. Gallium-mediated switching in product selectivity for CO2  hydrogenation over Ni/CeO2 catalysts. 2024. Under Review(通讯)

13. Zhourong Xiao*, Peng Li, Hui Zhang, Senlin Zhang, Yanyan Zhao, Jianmin Gu, Zhiyou Lian, Guozhu Li, Ji-Jun Zou, and Desong Wang*. Boosting photo-thermal co-catalysis CO2 methanation by tuning interface electron transfer via mott-schottky heterojunction effect. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 672: 642-653. (通讯)

12. Zhourong Xiao, Fang Hou, Xiangwen Zhang, Lun Pan, Ji-Jun Zou, and Guozhu Li*. Highly dispersed Ce-Mn solid solution oxides supported on N-doped carbon nanotubes for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction.  Langmuir, 2024, 40(20):  10561-10570. (一作,第一单位)

11.  Kai Guo*†, Hui Zhang†, Changxuan Zhang, Xining Guo, Huiying Li, and Zhourong Xiao*. Perovskite derivatives Ni-based catalysts for hydrogen production via steam reforming of long-chain hydrocarbon fuel. Catalysts, 2024, 14: 186. (通讯)

10.  Hui ZhangZhourong Xiao*Peng Li, Xinyi Tan, Fei Ye, Jianmin Gu, Enxian Yuan, Ji-Jun Zou and Desong Wang*Mott-schottky heterojunctions of LaCoO3 supported highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles for efficient low-temperature photo-thermal co-catalytic reduction of CO2Separation and Purification Technology 2024, 350: 127998 (通讯)

9.  Zhourong Xiao*, Changxuan Zhang, Shuran Huang, Senlin Zhang, Xinyi Tan, Zhiyou Lian, Ji-Jun Zou, Xiangwen ZhangGuozhu Li and Desong Wang*A comprehensive review on steam reforming of liquid hydrocarbon fuels: Research advances and prospects. Fuel 2024, 368: 131596. (通讯)

8.  Zhourong Xiao*, Peng Li, Hui Zhang, Senlin Zhang, Xinyi Tan, Fei Ye, Jianmin Gu, Ji-Jun Zou and Desong Wang*. A comprehensive review on photo-assisted thermal catalytic reduction of CO2 to value-added chemicals. Fuel 2024, 365: 130906. (通讯) 高被引

7. Zhourong Xiao*, Changxuan Zhang, Peng Li, Desong Wang, Xiangwen Zhang, Li Wang, Ji-Jun Zou, Guozhu Li*Engineering oxygen vacancies on Tb-doped ceria supported Pt catalyst for hydrogen production through steam reforming of long-chain hydrocarbon fuels. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2024, 68: 181-192. (通讯) 高被引,卓越创新期刊

6. Peng Li, Senlin Zhang, Zhourong Xiao*Hui Zhang, Fei Ye, Jianmin Gu, Jidong Wang, Guozhu Li, Desong Wang*. Ni-TiO2 catalysts derived from metal-organic framework for efficient photo-thermal CO2 methanation. Fuel. 2024, 357: 129817. (通讯)

5. Changxuan Zhang, Peng Li, Zhourong Xiao*, Hui Zhang, Enxian Yuan*, Jianmin Gu, Jidong Wang, Guozhu Li, Desong Wang*Tuning the CO2 hydrogenation activity and selectivity by highly dispersed Ni-In intermetallic alloys compound.  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2024, 12: 166-177. (通讯)

4. Zhourong Xiao*, Peng Li, Senlin Zhang, Jianmin Gu*, and Desong Wang*. Effects of metal-support interactions and interfaces on catalytic performance over M2O3- (M = La, Al) supported Ni catalysts. International Journal of Energy Research 2023: 6504914. (通讯)

3. Jinling ZhongKe YinQianqian HuPeng LiSenlin ZhangZhourong Xiao*Preparation of In2O3/ZnIn2S4 heterojunction and its performance for degradation of organic dyes. Modern Chemical Industry 2023, 43: 167-171. (通讯)

2. Tongtong Xu, Ke Yin, Jianmin Gu*, Qing Li, Zixun Fang, Zijia Chen, Yinglu Wang, Nianrui Qu, Siheng Li, Zhourong Xiao*, Desong Wang*. Engineering oxygen vacancies on mixed-valent mesoporous α-MnO2 for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors. Langmuir 2022, 41: 12530-12538. (通讯)

1. Zhourong Xiao*, Guozhu Li, Xiangwen Zhang, Li Wang, Jianmin Gu, and Desong Wang. Research progress of the catalysts for hydrogen production via liquid
hydrocarbon fuels steam reforming. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
 2022, 41: 97-106.(通讯)卓越创新期刊


1. Zhourong Xiao, Yueting Li, Fang Hou, et al. Engineering oxygen vacancies and nickel dispersion on CeO2 by Pr doping for highly stable ethanol steam reforming. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 258: 117940. (SCI一区IF=15.8)

2. Zhourong Xiao, Chan Wu*, Li Wang, et al. Boosting hydrogen production from steam reforming of ethanol on nickel by lanthanum doped ceria. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021, 286: 119884. (SCI一区IF=16.6

3. Zhourong Xiao, Fang Hou*, Junjie Li, et al. Methane dry reforming by Ni-Cu nanoalloys anchored on periclase-phase MgAlOx nanosheets for enhanced syngas production. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13: 48838-48854. (SCI一区IF=9.2)

4. Zhourong Xiao, Chan Wu, Wei Wang, et al. Tailoring the hetero-structure of iron oxides in the framework of nitrogen doped carbon for the oxygen reduction reaction and zinc-air batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8: 25791-25804. (SCI一区IF=11.3)

5. Zhourong Xiao, Xiangwen Zhang, Fang Hou, et al. Tuning metal-support interaction and oxygen vacancies of ceria supported nickel catalysts by Tb doping for n-dodecane steam reforming. Applied Surface Science 2020, 503: 144319. (SCI二区IF=6.1)

6. Zhourong Xiao, Guoqiang Shen, Fang Hou, et al. Highly dispersed γ-Fe2O3 embedded in nitrogen doped carbon for the efficient oxygen reduction reaction. Catalysis Science & Technology 2019, 9: 4581-4587.(SCI二区IF=5.7)

7. Zhourong Xiao, Fang Hou, Yueting Li, et al. Confinement of Fe2O3 nanoparticles in the shell of N-doped carbon hollow microsphere for efficient oxygen reduction reaction. Chemical Engineering Science  2019, 207: 235-246. (SCI二区IF=4.2,化工三大刊

8. Zhourong Xiao, Xiangwen Zhang, Li Wang, et al. Optimizing the preparation of Ni-Ce-Pr catalysts for efficient hydrogen production by n-dodecane steam reforming.  International Journal of Energy Research 2019, 1: 1-15. (SCI二区IF=3.7)

9. Zhourong Xiao, Shuang Ji, Fang Hou, et al. n-Dodecane steam reforming catalyzed by Ni-Ce-Pr catalysts. Part 1: Catalyst preparation and Pr doping. Catalysis Today 316 (2018) 78-90. (SCI二区IF=4.8)

10. Zhourong Xiao, Shuang Ji, Yueting Li, et al. Tuning oxygen vacancies on mesoporous ceria nanorods by metal doping: Controllable magnetic property, Applied Surface Science 2018, 455: 1037-1044. (SCI 二区IF = 5.15)

11.  Zhourong Xiao, Chan Wu, Ling Li, et al. Pursuing complete and stable steam reforming of n-dodecane over nickel catalysts at low temperature and high LHSV. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017, 42: 5606-5618. (SCI 二区IF = 4.32)

12. Zhourong Xiao, Ling Li, Chan Wu, et al. Ceria-promoted Ni-Co/Al2O3 catalysts for n-dodecane steam reforming. Catalysis Letters 2016, 146: 1780-1791. (SCI 三区IF = 2.79)

13. Zhourong Xiao*, Yang Zou*,  Yueting Li, et al. Hollow nanospheres of Co/N-C composite as an efficient nonprecious electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. ChemistrySelect 2019, 4: 1700-1705. (SCI 区,IF = 2.3) 

14. Zhourong Xiao*, Li Wang,  Xiangwen Zhang, et al. Effect of ceria amount on promoting Ni-Co/SBA-15 catalyst for n-dodecane steam reforming. ChemistrySelect 2016, 1: 6460-6468. (SCI 区,IF = 2.3) 

15. Zhourong Xiao*, Qiancheng Zheng,  Xiangwen Zhang, et al. Synthesis of Ni⁃Co catalysts supported on flower⁃like MgAl composite oxide for hydrogen production by n⁃dodecane steam reforming. Chinese Journal of  Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 37: 629-637. (SCI 区,IF = 0.7,卓越创新期刊

16. Zhourong Xiao*, Fang Hou,  Xiangwen Zhang, et al. Preparation of ordered mesoporous nitrogen doped carbon supported Fe2O3 for oxygen reduction reaction. Chinese Journal of  Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 37: 243-250. (SCI 区,IF = 0.7,卓越创新期刊

17. Chan Wu*, Zhourong Xiao*Li Wang, et al. Modulating oxidation state of Ni/CeO2 catalyst for steam methane reforming: A theoretical prediction with experimental verification. Catalysis Science & Technology 2021, 11: 1965-1973. (SCI 二区IF = 5.7) 共同一作


1.  一种NiOCeMO甲烷水蒸气重整制氢催化剂及其制备方法和应用, ZL202010916365.4李国柱,肖周荣,张香文,等-已授权

2.  一种预活化甲烷水蒸气制氢催化剂的方法,ZL202010346974.0 李国柱,张香文肖周荣,王涖,等-已授权

3.  一种铁氧化物-氮掺杂碳材料、及其制备方法与应用,ZL202010346964.7李国柱,张香文肖周荣,王涖,等)-已授权

4.  一种低温逆水汽变换的单原子催化剂及其制备方法,ZL202310859964.0肖周荣,王德松,张长轩,等)

5.  一种低温逆水汽变换反应合成一氧化碳的催化剂及其制备方法,202310887898.8肖周荣,王德松,李鹏,等

6.  一种光热二氧化碳加氢制甲烷催化剂的制备方法,ZL202311588843.3肖周荣,王德松,李鹏,等)

7.  一种高效光热催化逆水汽变换反应合成一氧化碳的Pt/LaCoO3催化剂的制备方法,ZL202311615981.6肖周荣,王德松,张慧,等)

8.  高效光热催化逆水汽变换反应合成一氧化碳的Pt/TiO2@CN催化剂的制备方法及其应用ZL202410661198.1肖周荣,王德松,张慧,等)


1.  2022届本科优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师称号

2.  2021-2022年度秦皇岛市环境保护科学学会科技奖“自然科学二等奖”-排名第二



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